Friday 8 November 2013

All Hallows' Eve pic!

Hey Folks, 

One picture for you from Halloween day! We have been told to dress up on that day. 
I was a real American and the other guy his name is Chris, won the costume contest...

Bye for now! Chirs's

Friday 1 November 2013

Don't worry, be happy!


Last weekend supposed to be a fun weekend with Kevin (he did the US-Roadtrip with me) but I hadn't that much luck.
On Friday I picked up Kevin in Nanaimo at the Ferry station. He visited me for a weekend on the Island. We had big plans and I was really excited to show him around, because it was his first time on the Island.

Unfortunately my shoulder bag got stolen on Friday after work and I actually didn't notice it until Saturday morning.
When I came back home from work on Friday I couldn't find my MacBook. Then I figured that it must be in my shoulder back and I thought I left the bag at Wescon.

So Kevin and I woke up early on Saturday because we had a tide schedule. First we wanted to grab my bag at Wescon, we planed to drive down to Victoria, on the way we wanted to check out some nice spots like Goldstream were we could have seen the Salmon in the River, and a nice wooden Bridge. We were also invited to a big Halloween party in Victoria...

And here comes the BUT... we arrived at Wescon we couldn't find my bag. After one hour permanent searching I figured that it might got stolen at Staples when I dropped off a Computer for Wescon.

Short Story:
We went to Staples in Duncan and it actually turned out that the shoulder bag got stolen at the staples parking lot. There were 3 kids approaching my car. They opened the door and took the bag from the back seats. That's what the Mall security guard said when we asked him about the footage. I wasn't allowed to see it. Well, after hours the police arrived finally and it took me 10 seconds to understand that they can't do anything. I asked, "So, what cha thing, do I get my stuff back?" Police officer: "nope!".

I tried a lot of things to get it back! I talked to natives, checked all the garbage cans around the mall, checked all areas with a Hotspot to locate my MacBook Air, checked all the hidden bike trails and so on...

This is all I could possible do! We skipped all the sign seeing stuff and went straight to Party in Victoria. My buddies brought me back to a fun mood... And we all had actually a fun fun night !!!

Next mooring on Sunday I dropped off Kevin at the Ferry Station in Victoria. After, I spend a couple of hour in downtown Victoria. I bought my favourite Starbucks Coffee (White Chocolate Mocha) and walked through the street. Suddenly I saw a homeless on the Sidewalk and he was shaking because it was so cold outside. I thought he has actual problems compared to my loss. So I gave him my coffee which made both of us happy!

Well and there is another good thing to tell. I sold my Truck... Dave from Parksville deposit money and on Saturday (tomorrow) he'll get the Truck and I'll get the rest money :-)

And one more thing!!!

Couple of hours ago I got a call from a police officer that my Wallet has been dropped off at the post office and it were ready to pick up at the police office in Duncan. So I actually got my wallet back. But nobody knows who it found and where it got found.
Everything is still in there, Personal ID, Credit card, pictures and so on...

So, don't worry and be happy =)

Bye for now, Chris