Thursday 5 December 2013

Time to get home!

Hey Hey Hey!

I hope you all feel good and you enjoy a nice pre-christmas period with your family's!

Last week on Friday I had my last day at work. I took a couple of Pictures of the production and the office, as well as pictures of colleagues and me. 

Here's a picture of the Conturex machine operator Sean and me.. 
(We worked close together and he's is a awesome guy!)

Also, I had my last Tai Chi/Karate class with Sensei D. R. Mortley. He is an impressive person and I definitely want to stay in contact with him. I enjoyed his classes every single time! 

We'll see us again... Thanks!

Yeah and last weekend I picked up Louis from the Airport in Vancouver! The first few days he was just tired because of the time differents and the long travel to canada. But it's getting there... !

This week we'll spend some time on the Island and maybe on Mt. Washington (depending on the snow conditions). We also booked 5 days in Whistler for Snowboarding! 

This is gonna be a fun time with him together in Canada.

At the end of our trip I'll try to post all the best pictures for you!

On December the 18th we both will be back in town! Can't believe that the time is almost over. Canada was a priceless lifetime-experience. And I'll never forget the time, I grew with my challenges, I met interesting people, I improved my English skills, I saw beautiful places, the whole trip gave me a different thinking about certain things, I feel good, it opened new career chances... 

...BUT its time to go home!

I've never been so excited before. I can't wait to see Elena, my Parents, my Brothers, Family, Friends. 

I miss you all!

bye for now! 
Chis and Louis ;-)

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