Friday 26 July 2013

Time goes by

Aloha guys!

I pick Elena up from the Airport in Vancouver. Right now I'm on my way to Vancouver by Ferry.
Its a beautiful day especially when I think on the fact that I'll see Elena in few hours.

Probably I'll post some pics from our time on the Island and the USA.

Bye Chris

Thursday 25 July 2013

Camp Ranger

Hey Folks,
Sorry, but I was too busy and couldn't post anything during the last two weeks. 
I spent my free time to prepare my Truck for a RoadTrip. 
Tomorrow I'll pick up Elena at the Airport in Vancouver. I'm so excited !!! :-)

I really try to keep you up to date about my Canada trip !!!

Mission accomplished! 

So as I already said, tomorrow I'll pick up my Girlfriend!

This gonna be an exciting time !!!
Bye Chris

Friday 12 July 2013

Calm weekend


I know I start to get lazy with posting constantly and I'm again a little bit behind the previous weekend. But anyway. Let me tell you what I did last weekend!
It was a calm weekend. On Friday I cooked dinner. The inspiration I got on Facebook led me into Safeway to buy some ingredients. There is a Site on Facebook called "Fitness Rezepte" and I tried to cook it. Because the recipe was to professional and complicated for me I just tried to get the same look... :-)


And mine: 

Haha... both with rice... and that's all... It tasted good, though!
We also made some "Canadian Food" on Friday evening...

Banana + Chocolate + Marshmallow

I believe you can imagine how sweet that tastes :-) And yes - Its good, but very very sweet!

On Saturday Taylor and me went to a Lake (Kingzett Lake) near Mill Bay where we were last weekend too
Nice Weather, very clean water and awesome nature! I liked it!

And last but not least, Sunday we went out for a hike to the top of a Mountain.
It took us 40 minutes to get to the top but the way down we decided to make a little adventure. So we took some different trails and because of that it took us 1:30 h to get back to the car. But it was fun, though!

Once we were back we had some diner in cowichan bay and the weekend was almost over...

Just a shower and few hours television and I went to bed.

And back to work on Monday!
Oh and by the way. I have just 14 Days left and I'll welcome my girl at the airport in Vancouver. We will have an exiting time... :-) This weekend I'll start working on my Truck to make it ready for camping.

Nice weekend guys, Chris