Friday 12 July 2013

Calm weekend


I know I start to get lazy with posting constantly and I'm again a little bit behind the previous weekend. But anyway. Let me tell you what I did last weekend!
It was a calm weekend. On Friday I cooked dinner. The inspiration I got on Facebook led me into Safeway to buy some ingredients. There is a Site on Facebook called "Fitness Rezepte" and I tried to cook it. Because the recipe was to professional and complicated for me I just tried to get the same look... :-)


And mine: 

Haha... both with rice... and that's all... It tasted good, though!
We also made some "Canadian Food" on Friday evening...

Banana + Chocolate + Marshmallow

I believe you can imagine how sweet that tastes :-) And yes - Its good, but very very sweet!

On Saturday Taylor and me went to a Lake (Kingzett Lake) near Mill Bay where we were last weekend too
Nice Weather, very clean water and awesome nature! I liked it!

And last but not least, Sunday we went out for a hike to the top of a Mountain.
It took us 40 minutes to get to the top but the way down we decided to make a little adventure. So we took some different trails and because of that it took us 1:30 h to get back to the car. But it was fun, though!

Once we were back we had some diner in cowichan bay and the weekend was almost over...

Just a shower and few hours television and I went to bed.

And back to work on Monday!
Oh and by the way. I have just 14 Days left and I'll welcome my girl at the airport in Vancouver. We will have an exiting time... :-) This weekend I'll start working on my Truck to make it ready for camping.

Nice weekend guys, Chris

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