Thursday 4 July 2013

Canada Day - Weekend !

Hey Folks!

I hope you all are okay outside there!

Sorry for posting so late but we had a long weekend and I had to upload a lot of pictures for you. And I hope as always you enjoy them again.
So lets see, Friday ...
Because Monday was Holiday (Canada Day) I decided to visit Vancouver City again. Nolan (Braden's Brother) drove me to the Ferry Bay in Nanaimo and Shanelle (Braden's Cousin) and Hayley (Shanelle's female friend) picked me up at the Ferry Bay in Tsawwassen. By the way, its a 2 hour ferry trip. 

First we met her Grandma (Braden's Grandma too and Laels mum) for dinner at a chines restaurant in Tsawwassen. Afterwards we crossed the Border to the States to get Shannelle's cabin in Port Roberts (USA). For this I had to pay 6 bucks and I had to answer a couple of question. Once we crossed the border we bought some food and entered Shannelle's beautiful cabin in beautiful Port Roberts. 

On this evening we also went for a walk trough Port Roberts. And yes, there a lot of beautiful houses. 

On the next morning we woke up early and I went to the beach to take some nice pictures. It was foggy and people were working at the beach. They do it usually once a year to keep the beach nice and clean.

After coffee and a little breakfast we went to Vancouver by Bus and Skytrain. 
I bought some new things like (Hat, Shorts, swim pants and so... ) and besides I took some beautiful pictures of Vancouver City.

Back in Port Roberts I felt like I really wanna try my new swim pants, so I did... :-)

Later on we watched the sunset on the other side of Port Roberts with view on the ferry station in Tsawwassen.

Shanelle's partens made dinner for us.
We talked a while and played with their dogs (not Doug's :-) ). 

On Sunday, Shanelle drove me back to the Ferry and Hayley had to work. 
I captured a couple of pictures for you on the Ferry.

Nolan picked me up again in Nanaimo.
Because it was so hot outside, back home Taylor and me decided to go out for a swim in Mill Bay. 
Nice weather, Nice lake, what shall I say, ... "Check this..."

The following Day was Monday and Canada Day. I went down to Victoria at 3'sch pm by myself, because nobody liked to join me. Taylor had to work, Braden was fishing in Prot Renfrew. Sounds like Chris alone and sad in Victoria on Canada day. But wait, listen up... I'll tell you a story... :-)

Once I got Victoria I parked my Truck and walked into town. A lots of people and every single person happy and costumed with canada flags and red / white colours. I took a lot of pictures of the inner harbor.

I can tell, this is the most beautiful place I've ever seen...

Let go on! 
My original aim: Down to Victoria, listen to good music at the Main stage, Fireworks and afterwards back home (because Tuesday I had to work).
And hear comes how it actually happened!

I saw a guy paying guitar and singing on the sidewalk. He was playing very well. He stopped playing after a while and I talked to him. --- So we changed numbers. And he goes: "Hey, you're alone in town? Join us, we meet up at a house party later on, it would be great if you join us and we have some beer..." 
So I did, and it was the right decision. One hour later or so we met us, picked up my Truck and drove to his parents house. John took a shower and costumed himself while I talked to his parents. They were so friendly that I couldn't believe it. They invited me to stay and to come again for BBQ. I don't know. It was so unreal because I met this guy John few hours ago. But anyways...
As he was ready to go, we drove with my truck to the house party and had lots of fun. Because I was in no condition to drive I crashed at my buddy's house and I went back to work in the morning at 6 am.

Because of just 3 hours sleep I worked just 6 hours and went back home to sleep and the more important thing, to took a shower and change clothes.

And here the story in colour ...

Bye for now!


PS: My Girlfriend visits me in Canada in just 22 days - soo exciting