Friday 27 September 2013

Road trip to the Smith's Family

Hello Guys,

I hope you all feel good and you did enjoy the nice summer time. Now it gets cold and frosty and Christmas is just around the corner. Anyway! I've got a couple new pictures for you... 

Last Monday I came back from another road trip! A road trip to the Smith's (Calgary, Alberta)!
Who are the Smith's? Well, Kathy (German) is a good old friend of mine. She used to play in the same brass band than me. She is a bit older than me and took care about me and all other young kids when we had our yearly brass band youth weekend :-) This is long time ago xD
She did "work and travel" in Canada and fell in love. I guess in love with Canada and a Canadian. 

Unfortunately (for us), she moved to Canada about 8 years ago. Now she got two beautiful children (Sophia and Sienna) and the perfect Husband Ian. I enjoyed that weekend with them a lot and I like the Smith's!
I hope we will meet up again very soon. And next time we gotta eat Sushi.. haha... :-)

How come that I do another road trip? Do I have to much money? The answer is "No"!
I caught the opportunity to do this trip with Guido. Guido went to a Scooter Rally in Calgary. So he spent time with his scooter buddy's and I took his Jeep and went to the Smith's...

Let's go...!

We spit our trip in two steps so we could enjoy the drive through the Rocky Mountains. 
We've stayed at a Motel in Golden, BC.

Short break for launch in Banff...

So I dropped Guido at his Hotel. We double checked his Scooter and I was good to go!
Welcome to the Smith's...

Thanks again for your hospitality. It was a fun weekend!

I picked up Guido at his place where all the scooter buddies were. Nice people!!!

And back home !!!

World largest Truck. Pff... :)

Looks like a little water fall...

Run to the water fall! Maybe its worth it...

Yeah, it was ... :-)

And again the route we drove... 

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it again to see me coming around ;)

This weekend is gonna be a calm weekend! But maybe I can provide you with a couple of pictures.
We'll see! I wish you a good weekend :)

Bye Bye,