Tuesday 17 September 2013

No Way!? Lomas Lake and ATV

Hi there!

So, Now it's almost 2 weeks ago as I came back from my US road trip. 
Work wise I went back to Wescon Doors and I plan to work there until I go back to Germany in December,  90 days left! haha... I'm excited to come back! Anyway... :-)

I have some beautiful pictures to show! Its all about Nature. Wild Life. Fun.
We did pretty much the same on the two last weekends. Let me tell you the story...

First Time!

The weekend before last Braden, Nolan (brother), Taylor (room mate) and me went with ATV's to Youbou. This is a small Village about 45 minutes drive from Duncan. 

From there we had access to thousands of ATV trails and logging roads... See here!

Later, Braden had the Idea to find a Lake which is on top of a mountain. 
But therefore we had to hike about 1000 m up the mountain. 

Deep breath... and so we did...! 

And we finally found the lake. So nice and clean. And pure nature!


Unfortunately we didn't find a way to get down to the lake. 
So we went back to our ATV's and home.

Autumn leaves ... means almost back in Germany xD

Second time!

This was such a gorgeous place. Pure Nature. Wild life. Lake. 
So Braden and me decided to stay two days up there again. Including overnight :-) 

So last weekend on Saturday morning we both headed to YouBou to start our adventure!

As you see! 
This time we needed to hike 1000m including 22 kg backpack. 

And that was so exhausting... :-)

Finally we got up to the mountain where we saw the lake again. 
But this time we wanted to swim in the lake :-) 

First we needed to find a spot to sleep...

Once we prepared our "camp" we hiked down to the lake... I mean we tried to...

And here you can see the nearest point we've got!
We tried different ways but all of them ended up on cliffs. So there was no chance to get down :-(

Just a little stop to get some fresh mountain water :-)
That was so good and cold ... mhh...

And you wont believe how exhausting this hike was xD
It took us almost 4 hours to get down almost to the lake and up to the camp again...

So we relaxed for the rest of the day and we enjoyed our gorgeous environment!

Next morning we woke up early to look out for some deers and bears... 

I hope you enjoyed these pictures! I will have a lot more for you in about a week. Because tomorrow night I'm on my way to Calgary through the rocky mountains. I believe I'll see a lot of beautiful places and you won't miss them too :-)

Have a good week,


  1. wow :)
    I like these nice pictures, the first with the bear. very beautiful

    Unfortunately we didn't find a way to get down to the lake.
    So we went back to our ATV's and home."

    hahahahahahahahaha ;))

  2. thanks! haha... yeah that was a fun trip :-)
