Friday 18 October 2013

Wet Paint!

I know I'm actually very late with my "weekly" post. But here it comes!

Last week we painted the frame. First we cleaned it properly with Marine Drive cleaner and after we painted it with POR15. This paint suppose to go underneath rust and converts it into a component of the actual paint. The bad thing is, if it gets onto your skin, you won't be able to get rid of it for weeks =)

as I mentioned: weeks

We also visited the States to get the "new" cab for Braden's truck. 
It was a nice drive and it took us a whole day to get to Sumas,WA and back home. Here're the pictures!

this is the straight street along the US border (right site is the USA)

And I took nice sunset pictures! 
The Mountains on the very end is one of the little Islands right before Vancouver Island.

This weekend we going to paint the cab interior and exterior and this time I'll try to avoid paint in my skin :-)

Bye Bye for know!

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