Monday 24 June 2013

Cute Dog and damned Handlebar

Hello People!

This weekend was mostly quiet but I have a few nice pictures and one cute movie yet.

On Friday, Katrina brought her little new dog to work and I took my camera with me. 
So we did some nice pictures and a movie from that little brown sheep...

This is little brown sheep and Oliver (Laels Dog) playing with each other.

Also on Friday a guy checked my dirt bike because I set it into UsedVicoria for Sale couple of days ago. I brought it to Wescon and the guy visited me at 10am at work. 

But finally he decided to buy another bike.

I just want you to know how a school bus looks like in canada.

On Saturday I decided unfortunately very late to ride my bike on the RaceTrack in Victoria (probably the last time). 
After 50 minutes I finally arrived at the track. I had to drop a fee of 20 $ to access the track. The bad thing with that: The track had just another hour opened. I payed because I drove all the way down and I wanted to ride...

I met two guys at the track gate and I told them that I'm selling this bike and this is probably the last ride for me. And guess what - one guy goes ' ...but don't crash it...' I knew it - damn negative energy... I promise if he hadn't say anything, everything would be fine ! 

So I drove into a curve probably a little bit fast and I went up to the top. I tried to get back onto the track but I didn't get it. i jumped of my bike and the bike fell softly on the handle bar.

Bad enough! I couldn't ride any longer because the handlebar were bent... So I went back home after 30 minutes on the track :-(. 

I stopped at Mc Donald, called my Girlfriend and grabbed some food. 
On the way back home I tried to bring me back to a normal feeling because I felt a little bit upset...

Jap - and it worked for me - for a couple of minutes

Back home I really tried to fix that handlebar issue. Unfortunately without success. 
I tried also every stupid possibility I could imagine...

just chilling? XD

Upset again I went to bed... 

Sunday was a better day. I texted a buddy who also rides a dirt bike if he would know where I can get a new handlebar on sundays. He replied soon and his original message was: "Ya man, my house, price is good too, free."

Yes :-)

I picked up the handlebar at Jared's house and I fixed my bike immediately  :-)

close :-)

And today Guido visit me to check the bike. He is a german guy who moved 3 years ago to canada. Maybe he will buy the bike. After he left I cleaned the bike a last time and now I hope to sell it soon...

I'm tired! 
I wish you all a good night (later on) and a nice week. Thanks for reading again. I hope you enjoyed. 

Nite Nite, Chris


  1. Ohhh... The dog (or sheep) is so cute... I would like to see the dog if i'm in Canada. ��❤ Bye Bye...

    1. Oh ya! I agree with you, she is so cute :-) I think we can organize something that you can see her. Thanks for reading my heart. <3
      Bye Bye...
