Monday 25 March 2013

First Weekend

Hello again!

just a short report of my fantastic first weekend in canada - last saturday we went to the "mount washington" (almost 2 hours driving from Duncan) into the deep snow. Just arrived we've met our snowmobile guide :-). After a really short instruction we started our awesome ride throw the mountains. We could used the best requirements. The guide just called it "hero snow". 

At the beginning it was really hard to drive but after few hours driving we became pros. The guide told us that we are the best beginners at all but also a group with a series of accidents :-)

It was a really nice day!!! After almost 5 hours snowmobiling we went back. We stopped at "cathedral grove" for a short time to visit the "Big tree". It was really fantastic... Check that out!

Next morning, my body hurts but we have a lot to do because it's crabing day :-) 

We went out to the ocean with some other friends of Braden. It was new for me but really awesome. I like crabing really much!

Pictures are telling the story..

Yammi Yammi...

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