Thursday 28 March 2013

Short workweek

This short working week was pretty good. I've learned a lot of things in the program which I should optimize in future but I still have a lot to learn. Braden taught me in many topics but he also knows not everything. There is a Hotline for the program but not easy to reach because of a time difference. As we reached the Hotline they couldn't help us. Most of the time we need to figure it out. At the beginning of this week I've prepared a mind map or ERM about the companies working process. This will be helpfully in the future to do some decision about the work with the new program. Yesterday, Micheal (conturex technician) showed us the functions of the machine during he changed some parts.

Today we went to Victoria for a delivery. Our Company delivers only to re-salers but today for easter we did a special delivery to the customers house ;-) . And it was not a bad one... Take a look!

Have a nice and good long weekend !!!

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