Sunday 31 March 2013

Long weekend

Happy Easter at all!

Hope you all enjoy the good weather in Germany ;-) I think I make some people jealous with this post.

I started my long easter weekend on friday 8 o'clock (with sun). 

Michael (Weinig employee) and me drove to Tofino. It was a really beautiful weather, 15 degrees, blue sky and sunshine everywhere .... 

After a 3 hour drive and nice areas on our trip we reached Tofino unfortunately without sunshine. It is common that this area is always cloudy. It's because of the rainforest (check this-i do it for you)

After arriving we walked through the little village. I went in the first surf shop where I asked for a surfing lesson. But this shop told me that I missed the lesson but fortunately there are some more surf shops. At the second shop I had luck. 3 o'clock I could start my lesson with six other guys. 

After a short introduction we went into the water. Because of the suit it was not so cold as I thought. It was a lot of fun but really hard. I guess I've caught only three or four times a wave but it was a enchanted feeling. 

After three hours surfing we drove back into the sun. At home...

On Saturday I brought Michael to the Nanaimo Airport. 
Afterward I drove to the BC ferry in Nanaimo to get vancouver.

It is very expensive to come over by ferry with a car. Almost 70 $ for one way. But it is interesting to drive with such a big ferry. I think these are one of biggest ferries of the world.

After a more than two hours drive and a good breakfast at the ferry I drove 40 minutes until vancouver downtown. The first hold was Stanley Park.

Afterward I visited downtown. I parked my car in an underground parking. I went by feet through the streets and visited the Pacific centre. I think almost 90 % are asian people in Vancouver.

At 4:45 PM I drove back to the ferry to come over back to Nanaimo. In summary it was a stressful but beautiful day. 

Yeah... and today I went into the outdoors with Braden to look for some bears. Unfortunately we didn't see bears but we heard a bear very close. Too close. So we went back to the car :-) Next week we will go again ...

Here some pictures of that fantastic day... 

Tomorrow we'll start our next work week. I'm excited what gonna happen. i take you in loop.

ByE ChriS


  1. Hi Chris,
    greetings from Ulmen, Germany.
    I thought you are to work in Canadian, but it looks too me, you are in the holiday.
    I think it is great so see so much new thinks.
    We hope you enjoy every day.

    We keep in touch ( in english )
    Dirk and Mom

    1. Thank you for your comment :-)
      I'll keep you in loop. It seems that I'm in holiday but it isn't. Actually, I use my weekend to come around but in workweeks we have a lot to do. It's very interesting work for me and it's a good exercise for my live-experience but that would be very boring for all readers. I can tell you more when we'll call. Best wishes to Ulmen ;-)
