Monday 29 April 2013

Another Week

Hello Guys!

I hope you're feeling good and you had a nice weekend!
I'll start with telling you about my workweek. As you know I configure a Software to make the work in the office and the communication between office and production more efficient. 
At the beginning of the week I had a good "online meeting" with the software company concerning the module "production control". I asked question and the advisor gave me almost in every question a satisfactory answer. After this phone call I could continue my work on a "paperless production". We target to implement the first Workstations (assembly sash and conturex machining) on next friday. Braden bought already the workstations (pc) and scanner to realize it in practice. My job is to configure and set up the Workstation and to organize a workflow in how to exchange information between each workstation with barcodes.
Unfortunately the software database crashed every day since Wednesday and since then we couldn't feed the conturex machine with more orders to produce. And this is a problem for our company. We lose time and money. 
I wrote some emails to the software company and we hope to get a solution on monday morning. And that is the reason why we need to start working at 5:30 AM  tomorrow (time difference of 9 hours). 
So, right know it goes up and down with my work. But I'll think positive and I'm exited of next week.

My weekend was good. We had not that bad weather as forecasted. And we went into the outdoor to see bears and other animals. But still nooooottthing! Braden and me just heard one bear but we didn't see him :-( Perhaps next time...
I also did some work on my truck. I tried to bleed my brakes and to fix the whole brake issue, and I was frustrated and and and and... I printed some "for sale" sheets! Now my truck is standing at the roadside for Sale. I'd like to say "shit happened"... but this is another story...

Here you'll get some picture which I captured this weekend.

On Sunday I meet Braden's grandparents. We had dinner together. It was really exiting to hear how they come to Canada. And Braden's Grandma can understand german and she was also able to speak some german words ("Ich habe vergessen" waren ihre ersten worte). But the surprised point was that Braden's grandma is almost the same age as my grandma and he comes also from "Preussen" as my grandma. But my grandma decided to stay in Germany and Braden's decided to move to canada. Funny, huh? :-)

That is our big, small, blue ball ...

oh and by the way: Best wishes to all my grandparents. I'll sent you postcards very soon... :-)

Have a nice week! Chris

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