Monday 24 June 2013

Cute Dog and damned Handlebar

Hello People!

This weekend was mostly quiet but I have a few nice pictures and one cute movie yet.

On Friday, Katrina brought her little new dog to work and I took my camera with me. 
So we did some nice pictures and a movie from that little brown sheep...

This is little brown sheep and Oliver (Laels Dog) playing with each other.

Also on Friday a guy checked my dirt bike because I set it into UsedVicoria for Sale couple of days ago. I brought it to Wescon and the guy visited me at 10am at work. 

But finally he decided to buy another bike.

I just want you to know how a school bus looks like in canada.

On Saturday I decided unfortunately very late to ride my bike on the RaceTrack in Victoria (probably the last time). 
After 50 minutes I finally arrived at the track. I had to drop a fee of 20 $ to access the track. The bad thing with that: The track had just another hour opened. I payed because I drove all the way down and I wanted to ride...

I met two guys at the track gate and I told them that I'm selling this bike and this is probably the last ride for me. And guess what - one guy goes ' ...but don't crash it...' I knew it - damn negative energy... I promise if he hadn't say anything, everything would be fine ! 

So I drove into a curve probably a little bit fast and I went up to the top. I tried to get back onto the track but I didn't get it. i jumped of my bike and the bike fell softly on the handle bar.

Bad enough! I couldn't ride any longer because the handlebar were bent... So I went back home after 30 minutes on the track :-(. 

I stopped at Mc Donald, called my Girlfriend and grabbed some food. 
On the way back home I tried to bring me back to a normal feeling because I felt a little bit upset...

Jap - and it worked for me - for a couple of minutes

Back home I really tried to fix that handlebar issue. Unfortunately without success. 
I tried also every stupid possibility I could imagine...

just chilling? XD

Upset again I went to bed... 

Sunday was a better day. I texted a buddy who also rides a dirt bike if he would know where I can get a new handlebar on sundays. He replied soon and his original message was: "Ya man, my house, price is good too, free."

Yes :-)

I picked up the handlebar at Jared's house and I fixed my bike immediately  :-)

close :-)

And today Guido visit me to check the bike. He is a german guy who moved 3 years ago to canada. Maybe he will buy the bike. After he left I cleaned the bike a last time and now I hope to sell it soon...

I'm tired! 
I wish you all a good night (later on) and a nice week. Thanks for reading again. I hope you enjoyed. 

Nite Nite, Chris

Monday 17 June 2013

Car show and falls

Hello people!

I hope you enjoyed your weekend in germany and the nice hot day today! I've heard it gets hotter ...

Okay, let's start...
On Friday I came back from work at around 5pm. When I arrived at home I saw this happening in our street. Just funny enough to take some pictures...

A damaged street sign in Canada, perfect!

I was very tired this Friday so I just relaxed a bit and watched a movie.
On Saturday morning I did some house work and I cleaned my Truck and prepared my dirt bike for the next ride. I contacted Jared (I met him on the gas station couple of weeks ago) to join me. At 3 pm we met us at the golf course (Kingsview Rd) in Maple Bay. It's just 10 min away from my home. He bought a new dirt bike (the blue Yamaha) and he invited another buddy to join us. He wants to start dirt biking too. So I met Simon (He is from Quebec I guess and he and his whole Family moved to Vancouver Island in March this year)

Simon drove Jared's bike and Jared drove his new bike. We had a lot of fun!

But after just 10 minutes driving Jared's new bike had a flat tire. I guess because he jumped to high with his bike. He is a really fast and good driver! Fortunately Grant drove by. Grant is a (I guess) 55 years old man and has a weird personality. But he is ok because he helped us to fix the tire that we could go on.

I think after half an hour the tire has been fixed.

This is Grant's dirt bike. I never saw him driving but Jared told me that he damn fast! On this spot (the half developed golf course) he built a little race track, and he supposed to be the fastest rider on it. And I think he actually is, because he has nothing to do but dirt biking. 

We continued riding! 
With a couple of breaks we drove until 10 pm. Also to the top of the Hill with an amazing view on Duncan but I didn't get my camera with me... :-(

Later we met us for Dinner at "Original Joes". It's like a Pub and Restaurant together.
I have met Jared's and Simon's girlfriends... Nice Dinner at the End, always good! Perfect Day!

On Sunday mooring at 7 am I drove with Taylor to the "Englishman River Falls". Just to see what it is and if it's worth to come back again.

And yes it is ...

Captured for my mom, she loves Eagles

After maybe half an hour "Englishman River" we went to Qualicum Beach. This was our actual target for this day. We visit a huge car show... I probably took more than 200 pictures on that car show. 
But I won't annoying you with 200 car pictures. Here just a few...

On the way back we checked the Beach in Qualicum Beach and Parksville, pretty good!

It was a nice trip with beautiful weather. Oh, by the way. We drove more than 250 km in 2:30 h which is for a canadian just a little spin, no big deal. And to be honest for me it didn't feel like that "much"...

We were back at 2 pm, Taylor had to work and I decided to go for ride with my dirt bike. I didn't clean it the day before and I needed it to clean either way... 

Just pictures of a dirty dirt bike :-)

And last but not least....

Today after work we did some yard work. We trimmed the trees. We trimmed the whole inside during the last two weeks. Spread on more days, and today we trimmed the whole backside...

Yep, also this kind of work has to be done in Canada :-)

I hope you enjoyed these pictures...

Now I wish you guys a nice hot wednesday, and don't forget the sunscreen :-) I'm sorta jealous... xD

NiteNite, Chris

...and thanks for reading again ;-)